Early access 6.5
Hello Adventurers,
This update will add the following :
- A new icon will now display the state of the save, if it was downloaded from the cloud, uploaded from your sevice to the cloud, or if it's up to date.
- The old Transfer system has been removed to focus solely on the cloud save system
This update will also solve the following bugs:
- The royal tournament wasn't making time pass
- A wrong background was set for a strip lucky game in the castle
- New conditions have been set to get to face Bandit in Strip Lucky
- Some typos have been fixed
Apr 04, 2021
WINDOWS 32bits VERSION (6.5) 1 GB
Apr 04, 2021
Apr 04, 2021
Apr 04, 2021
Get Robin Morningwood Adventure - Gay Bara RPG (18+)
Buy Now31.99€ EUR or more
Robin Morningwood Adventure - Gay Bara RPG (18+)
Gay Bara RPG
Status | Released |
Author | Grizzly Gamer Studio |
Genre | Role Playing |
Tags | android, Bara, Dating Sim, Erotic, Gay, lgbtq, NSFW, Porn, Queer |
Languages | English, French |
More posts
- Game Update 2.0.13Jul 14, 2024
- Game Update 2.0.11May 11, 2024
- Game Update 2.0.10Apr 23, 2024
- Game Update 2.0.9Apr 02, 2024
- Game Update 2.0.8Mar 29, 2024
- Game Update 2.0.7Mar 24, 2024
- Game Update 2.0.6Mar 20, 2024
- Game Update 2.0.5Mar 19, 2024
- Game Update 2.0.4Mar 17, 2024
- Game Update 2.0.3Mar 16, 2024
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Bonjour, j'ai effectué la mise à jour 6.5 ma progression est toujours sauvegarder mais je dois reconstruire tout les bâtiments et je n'ai plus accès à plusieurs endroits dans le jeu, cela me ramène toujours au centre du village. Et j n'ai accès qu à un seul endroit sur la carte. ??!?!
Bonjour, désolé pour votre problème.
Essayez de supprimer le fichier de sauvegarde (gardez un backup quelquepart quand même), lancez le jeu, créez une nouvelle partie dans le slot de sauvegarde correspondant (ici le 1er), sauvegardez dès que possible (quand vous rencontrez les soldats avant la trappe, puis quittez le jeu. remplacez maintenant la nouvelle sauvegarde Sav0.rma par votre backup.
Hello, No, that feature isn't planned.
Lo harán cuando encuentren a alguien que la pueda hacer.
Hi i want ask somethink before i brought this game,im really like this game,but idk why in beta test game so latency,fps to drop,and many freezing,if i buy it in full,may my android phone is good for clear version? Its i think enough for ram 3/32 sd624
Thank you
Hello Nhstonk, It's really hard to say if the game will run on a given Android device. Unfortunately, the only way to know for sure is to try.
With the next update coming in june, we will release a new demo that's closer to the actual game performance needs. It could help you know if your device is compatible.
ok thank you,but i can still downloal all patch i need after i brought it?
Thank has reply
Yes of course, If you buy the game on itch.io, You'll have access to every update.
sure i had buyed its,,we are waiting an update latency for android user :)
Hi there, I'm having issues with my mac accessing the cloud to sync my saves. Do you know a fix for this?
Hello, No unfortunately this is the first time I hear about this issue.
Maybe check if you don't have a firewall that blocks the connection?
Surprisingly enough, time just fixed the issue. I tried logging in about an hour later and it was like nothing happened.
is the new version an update or a new game? Do i have to pay again?
Hello, it's an update. If you bought the game on itch.io, you can already download it.
If you had the game from Patreon, you'll have to renew your subscription to get the new update.
I bought the game from itch.io. The link that says update available brings me here. It looks like the only option on this page is to purchase. How do i update?
Also thanks for responding
Hello, You can download the game from your library. Check the image below to see how.
Sweet thanks
Hi! I am enjoying the game. so, I have a question.
How can I participate in a royal tournament? I can't find it.
Hello, you'll find it in the left wing of the castle :)
como que instalo a nova versao? tenho que pagar de novo? eu ja tenho o jogo oq faço?
Olá, se você já comprou o jogo, você o encontrará em sua biblioteca (veja a imagem abaixo)
Hello, if you already bought the game, you'll find it in your library (check the image below)
Hello. Love the game. Just curious I´m about to download the latest version. Will I lose my progress? Is there something I have to do to tranfser my data?
Hello, If you're playing on PC or Mac, no worries.
If you're playing on android and the previous version doesn't include the cloud save, you should follow the steps in the link below to keep your save intact.
In any case, we advise you use the cloud save system in the game.
J aimerais savoir si je doit payer de nouveau pour avoir accès a la nouvelle maj sachant que j ai déjà la version early accessible 4.0?
Bonjour, cela dépend de si vous aviez pris le jeu directement sur itch.io ou via Patreon.
Le plus simple est que vous regardiez directement dans votre bibliothèque de jeu. pour ce faire, suivez les instructions de l'image ci-dessous:
How do you unlock the thing on the far right of each character in the affinity tab?
Hello. This is their ending, and it's not available yet.
Just gotta say this is my favorite game ever, im so excited for the next relese, do you know when that will be ? and will we have to pay extra for it too ?
As a returning player back for the updates, I gotta say... I'm loving everything new and it's all working great for me! Could you, by chance, confirm the total number of released Strip Lucky cards? I lost count of whether I collected 4 or 5 new cards this update, haha. I have 48 total and I know at least one of the two missing cards is the (unreleased) king. Not sure if I should have the other one yet or not.
Hi! you can have 48 cards in the game for the moment ^^
I have 47 cards. I am missing the Guard but now that I have defeated him in a fight I can't find how to play and beat him in Strip Lucky. Any advice?
Hello, Wich guard are you talking about? Zack? If so, you'll have tot first rebuild his bakery to be able to face him.
I can't seem to upgrade any higher than 5.5 please help!
What happens exactly? You can't download the game?
the only download link I can access is for 5.5. When I click on the link in the game it takes me to the page saying about the update and even when logged in have no link to download. Just a link that says to buy.
I guess that's because you got the game on Patreon. In that case you only get access to the latest version available (in your case, version 5) You can get version 6 by either, buying the game on itch, in wich case you'll get all updates. Or get the current update on our Patreon sith the Daddy orc tier.
oh ok. Will try that. I thought was in daddy orc tier on patron. Will have a look and see. Thanks for your time.
All sorted now.. when I went through the link on Patron it has allowed me to download. Thanks again for all your help. Am loving it!