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I woNT download full wersion not demo. whwr can i do this? 

Hello Flener, the full version is not available.

That's when the full version will be available, because so far there is probably only a demo

Yes, we stopped the production of this game for now actually.


sad i waiting for full version now

Hey, I downloaded the file, extracted it and tried to start the program ... but the screen goes blank and doesn't work. How do I solve it?

How do i put my game in english?


Quick question. After Robin Morningwood is finished, do you think it will take as long to finish this, or is it shorter?


If we work on Terry after Robin, it will definitively take less time to create than Robin.


Love it - hope to see more of it after RMA is released


Awesome game! When would it be released?


magnifico!!  ( 0//w//0 )


Fun and sexy demo. Particularly like the attention to detail during the 'scene' with your room-mate!


When's the next update?


Nothing planned yet. We are currently working on Robin Morningwood Adventure.


Almost 6 months... when we are going to get an update¡¡¡¡¡




I imagine their focused on completing Robin Morningwood since it comes out in the next two months.


Hello Kiwoso, We are sorry, but as SleepyButt said, we are currently focused on developping Robin Morningwood, The whellcum secret. We'll resume Terry's development only after Robin's finished.

I love both games... thanks to answer¡¡¡¡¡¡¡ xoxoxo

looks really promising! 

i've gotta admit it got me pretty intrigued and i really wanna see more of this game! 

also, i loved the art style and the little drawings! so cool

there is one line that is in french in the english version ahahah

is there a date for the next update? 

Hi hmkk, thank you very much! We are glad you loved ou demo! unfortunately, no new updates are planned for now. We are working hard to complete Robin Morningwood's development, and we'll start Terry only after Robin's finished.

Estoy emocionado, cuando va a salir? 

Lo siento juanmu, Nos alegra que te haya gustado la demostración, pero aún no se ha planeado una fecha de lanzamiento. Reanudaremos el desarrollo solo después de que Robin haya terminado. (Perdón por la mala traducción, utilicé Google Translate)
Sorry juanmu, We are glad you liked the demo, but no release date is planned yet. We'll resume development only after Robin's finished. (sorry for the poor translation, i used google translate)


well well another nice game


Thank you very much :D

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I want play it but I can't download.... Who can help me??

what do you mean by "i cant download" ?


Don't worry i fixed the problem....



this game is amazing, do you already have in mind when there will be a new update?

Hello Juan, Thank you very much, but sorry, nothing is planned yet. We are focused on finishing Robin Morningwood first! :)


when are you going to make the full game?


I cannot give you a date since I stopped the project until Robin Morningwood Adventure release

Will the game have a new update? 

Probably, but I cannot tell you when.


When is there going to be a full version

Hello Aninja, there is no defined release date yet.


Hey if ou guys started a kickstarter for this game, I would be completely down. Love your guys work and hope to see more.

Thank you so much for your support :)


wowowow just discovered this game after discovering robin morningwood. most definitely getting both when they come out in full. can't wait!

(1 edit)

Sorry for the super late answer, I'm so glad you liked them..! Thank you for playing ^^

lol no worries! I'm still getting the games when they drop ;-) 


I see Stewy finally got tired of how slow the programing has been going and started to make a new game!
Joking aside, the project looks nice!


I can't believe how right you are :)


Awesome game! Sexy graphics, fun and everything, can't wait for the full version ^^

Thanks dude!


Absolutely loved this DEMO! Can't wait for what Baal has in store! I know you guys are busy with RobinMorningWood but can we expect a new update with this game soon?


Hello Jules, Thank you! Probably not before the release of Robin Morningwood Adventure unfortunately.


Both the games you guys are making are so much fun and just great and unique in so many ways. I was also wondering about your idea of creating a little indie studio. I saw is the FAQ of Robin Morningwood that you were trying to make one. This may be really stupid, but I would love to work with/for you guys for the story/writng or the illistration. 

Hello Aquame! Since we haven't released a finished game yet, we are not thinking to hire at all atm. But thank you for asking.


The game is sexy, entertaining and fun. The artstyle is cute and very likeable. There are still some typos but that's not really an issue. I really enjoyed the demo and totally agree that this game looks very promising. 

The only issue I personally have is the very pixelated look. Like I said, the artstyle in general is very charming and enjoyable, it's just those super pixelated lines that kinda hurt the eye. I don't know if this is an artistic decision or has technical reasons but I feel a bit sad for the otherwise gorgeous artstyle.

Robin Morningwood Adventure (sadly) also has these pixelated lines but thankfully a bit less extreme.

Clear sharp (unpixelated) lines are sexy! And they would suit the toony and charming artstyle of your games so much better imo.

Thanks Navrim! I completely understand your point of view but this is clearly an artistic choice.

(1 edit) (+3)

i really liked the game

big thanks from a brazilian fan, and hoping you continue updating this because i love the art (it's simple but kink)

Thanks dude :)


Looks promissing. Can't wait to see what awaits in future updates! :)


Man¡¡¡¡ You got a new mexican fan¡¡¡¡ I love your demo all ready¡¡¡¡¡

Much love from France ^^


Please mark your game as having adult content before making it live. You can find the option in the metadata tab on Thanks


Thank you. I did'nt even know the existence of this option before now. I did it for our other game too then.


wow i want more it's sexy,hot,yummy and so handsome

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Wow! I really enjoyed this. On top of Robin Morningwood, your games are awesome! Even if this demo was only a sliver of the full game, it's exactly the kind of game I like! Great job!

Thank you so much dude!


'Love the Game, too. <3 And I'm certainly looking forward to the full version.

Just got a question about the maximum number of Gallery unlocks in the Demo:
I've gotten 3 scenes unlocked there now.
Is this the maximum on the current Demo or is there another one hidden still?

No spoilers about content, so I think it should be alright to ask just so I know if I should "hunt" down some more options or can settle for what I've gotten to so far. ;-P 


Hello Samapatti, you unlocked all the scenes ;) thanks for playing!

Is the demon going to be a romance option?


Sure, I planned to develop 4 routes for this game.


 That's so cool, for a demo it's pretty good. The art is amazing, i love the art of your games. And i can't wait for a way with boss 

(I'm sorry for the bad english)


Thank you :)


Here's one thing I want to ask; can you put a mature content/18+ warning, please? I didn't expect to see any nudity in this, but I'm used to seeing 18+ games here marked as adult so this is probably just a nitpick.


Hello MelodyP. This is literraly the first thing displaying when you launch the game actually. But I'm gonna add it on the game page too. I'm sorry if it offended you.

Thank you. (And it didn't offend me, but it might surprise others like me who weren't expecting it.)


From the demo alone this one is promising, the writing is very relaxed and fits the art style amazingly, although I did find a few errors (which I'll describe at the end) it is overall a very nice experience, with a gallery being very welcome.

But about those errors, with the game being available in both english and french, I believe it is within the code what string to be called in which language, maybe depending of a switch that tells what language was selected, my point with this is that during certain points during the playthrough the language kept switching back into french, even though I was playing in english, it happened every time when the message about increase of affection appeared, it was in french and I could only vaguely understand what it was, there are other points like this but it is good to keep an eye out for such

Thank you for warning me.


yes daddy




very nice game.cant wait for the next demo update/full version;)

Thanks for playing :)


really nice. You did a great job ! I want the rest of the game already ! hehe

Thank you!

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